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Hi neighbor!!


I'll be on the ballot this year for Barrington Town Council and I am asking you for your vote.

Why? Because I believe we share these priorities -


  • Climate Resilience & Clean Energy

  • Community Health & Well-being

  • Making Barrington More Walkable & Bikeable

  • Supporting Barrington’s Business Sector

  • Community Spaces that Work for All


I have lived in Barrington for 25 years and this coastal community has been a great place for my family. My husband, Larson, and I are dedicated to giving back to our community. I have been a volunteer in the schools and am currently Chair of the Barrington Democratic Town Committee.

I served as the State Rep for District 66 (Barrington/Riverside) from 2019-2022. Through serving our community, I have come to understand the climate, economic, housing, and educational opportunities and constraints of the town and I have gained an understanding of the state budget and its impact on Barrington's municipal budget.


I will that expertise and my background in public health and community health to work collaboratively with town leaders to help make decisions to sustain our town's strengths and help prepare our community for the future.


I am one of three endorsed Democratic candidates. I am honored to be running with Jordan Jancosek and Kerry O'Neill. We are committed to working together, if elected, to uphold the priorities of the Barrington Democratic Town Committee platform:

  • Good Governance

  • Commitment to Social Justice and Wellbeing

  • Economic Stewardship

  • Environmental Stewardship


Make your plan to vote in the September 10th Democratic Primary Election and cast your vote for Liana Cassar, Jordan Jancosek and Kerry O'Neill.




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